Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day

Today's classes were very intersting.  My first class began at eleven am and ended at twelve fifteen.  This class was information systems.  The author of the book that we're going to use in class was written by Curtis Frye, the same name as myself.  Information Systems seems rather interesting and practical.  This class will keep me attentive because we will be learning important tool to use that famous people have also used such as Mark Zuckerburg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. Hopefully a lot will be learned to help strenthen my business knowledge.
The next class that I attended was Marketing.  My professor was very knowledgeable but maybe it was just because I was so intreaged having it be my major in all.  Anyways we learnt about how some brand names have lasted up to hundredes of years.  A good icon, punchline and targeted audience, that company will be one of the 5-6% companys that make it in society.  After this i ate lunch and was talking to my friend Amanda briefely.  This is my first blog, not sure if this is how to write a blog. The Next Will Be Better.
Peace Out